I made this piece by using Adobe Illustrator. I first started by drawing it on paper with a regular pen. I then used the paintbrush tool on Ai to mirror the drawing that I drew on paper. I adjusted the size and opacity of the brush by double clicking on the icon and adjusting the settings from there. I drew the banana onto the computer almost the same way as I drew it on paper. Once I finished the drawing, I saved it and took a screenshot of it. I took the screenshot by pressing and holding the command and the 3 button until it took the picture.
For these two versions of the banana, I simply modified the original version of it. I played around with different types of brushes and the different patterns in which the brushes come in. To do this, I hit the Select button at the top of the page, then selected "All". Next, I selected the Window button at the top and clicked on "Brushes". Finally, I simply experimented with the different types of Arrow brushes.
The two different sets of pictures vary from each other in a number of ways. First is that the top set of drawings is more organized and controlled, while the bottom set is more chaotic. The bottom set also has more movement and offers more to look at. I feel as though the top set of drawings captures the overall shape of the banana better than the bottom set does. Because the bottom set, or the set with the arrows, seems to be more chaotic, it is a little harder to perceive the silhouette. The two sets of drawings catch the eyes in different ways from each other. They each end up portraying the same drawing in two opposing ways.
I chose to draw a banana, mostly for the fact that drawing fruits seems to be quite simple. They are simpler than other foods to draw, because they require less detail to determine what the shape is. Out of all the fruits to draw, I chose to draw a banana. because it is my favorite fruit. I definitely feel like the meaning of the object changed after changing the style of the brush. As the drawing became busier and, in a way, went outside the original shape of the banana, it began to look more like a different object.